These days, several cosmetic treatments are available to resolve a range of skin concerns. A chemical peel is one such popular treatment used for improving skin texture and appearance. It is a non-surgical procedure where a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers. The goal is to take off the damaged top skin layer and reveal underneath fresh and smooth skin. Depending on your specific skin concern, there are different types of peels (light, medium, and dark). You may need multiple sessions of this treatment to get the desired results. To figure out if this treatment is for you, let’s find out more details about the chemical peel procedure.
Chemical Peel Procedure
As a restorative cosmetic treatment, chemical peels are used to address skin concerns like wrinkles, discolored skin, and scars on the face. This treatment can also be used in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to get the desired outcome. Chemical peels of different strengths indicate the depths they penetrate. For instance, deep chemical peels reach the deepest in the skin to produce more dramatic effects. However, as compared to the other two peels, deep peels take longer to heal. This procedure is performed by a dermatologist or trained cosmetic professional. Your skin is prepared and a chemical solution is applied to your epidermis which peels away damaged skin cells. Removing the upper layer enables the growth of healthy skin in its place. Different types of peels are used for treating skin issues like:
- Wrinkles & Fine Lines
- Hyperpigmentation
- Acne
- Uneven Skin Texture
Types of Chemical Peels
If you’re planning to get this treatment, you need to understand that not all chemical peels are the same. Peels are categorized based on their ingredients. Peels comprising different ingredients are used that target different skin problems. For instance, skin concerns like wrinkles or pigmentation need stronger solutions such as trichloroacetic acid peels while mild peels like salicylic acid treatments are frequently used for treating acne. The mildest peels include alpha-hydroxy (AHA), glycolic, lactic, or citrus acid acids. All peels are effective in producing visible results but it largely depends on choosing the right type of peel depending on your skin condition. It’s best to visit a reputed cosmetic clinic to find out which peel is right for you.
Benefits of Chemical Peel Treatment
A chemical peel works to exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells. The procedure usually takes up to 30 minutes which results in shedding dead skin cells and exposing fresh, new skin beneath. Before the peel is applied, your skin is completely cleansed and prepared for the treatment. A chemical peel is a highly effective treatment that reveals new, regenerated skin. The treatment uses mild acids derived from natural sources to safely exfoliate the upper layers of the skin. This helps in reducing acne scars, evens out skin tone, and improves the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Chemical peels of different types provide multiple benefits. For instance, it assists in acne treatment by thoroughly cleaning the skin and exposing a fresh new, acne-free layer. It also reduces pore sizes and dark spots. From removing fine lines to fading discoloration, peels provide an effective, non-invasive way to improve skin texture.